Friday, April 20, 2012

Recuerdo de Button

My dog died yesterday.
My dog Button died yesterday, less than 2 months short of his 15th birthday, which is 105 in human years.
Button died yesterday around 5 a.m. California time, meaning that right around the moment when I was deciding whether to eat a kebab or pasta for lunch, the dog I’ve had since I was six years old passed away.
The last time I pet him was in August, at 4 in the morning on my way to the airport. A large part of me knew that was the last time I would see him, since he’s a big dog and it was sort of miraculous that he’d made it so long. But for eight months, while I’ve been having the time of my life in Spain, he was living the last of his. And it’s just not the same to be with him for his final days over Skype.

           Que descanses en paz, Button. ¡Siempre te echaré de menos!


  1. Lo siento mucho Jenn-penn. Que perro tan guapo y que entrada tan bonita. ¡Que descanses en paraíso, Button!
