Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Wren Comes to Town!!!

Wren, one of my best friends from Santa Barbara, visited me this past weekend! She studied abroad in Madrid three years ago, and spent her one week’s vacation time visiting me and her old host family. It was so nice to see her, and have a familiar face from home!

We didn't take one picture together the entire weekend. But this photo depicts our glorious friendship in good ol' Santa Barbara. 

On Saturday morning I threw a Pancake Breakfast in my piso, partly because I miss real breakfast food and partly so Wren could meet a lot of my new friends. There were Spaniards, Germans, Italians, British, Swiss, French, and of course, Americans. ¡Qué internacional! Everyone was thoroughly enjoying the food, and I followed the recipe impressively for not having proper measuring cups or spoons. Until the third batch, when I quickly threw in two and a half tablespoons instead of teaspoons of salt. I hate contributing to the popular stereotype here that Americans are slightly clueless, so I forced myself to eat some and pretended that American pancakes are just more savory than the sweet desert crepes that Europeans are used to! Well, I’m sort of kidding. They were almost inedible.
American, Brit, and Italian, all coexisting.

Nacho being weird, and Anna loving it.

Me, Anna, Paco

Who doesn't love pancakes???

The brunch was a huge success, apart from the salty disaster. Afterwards we went to tapas with a big group of friends, and then went to the discoteca Mae West with Nacho, Gloria, Paco, Ana, and Anna until 7 a.m. It was so much fun but my adrenaline didn’t keep up with me, and I almost fell asleep right there on the dance floor.

On Sunday we met up with my friend Monica, whom I haven’t seen since high school! It was so great to see her. I brought her and Wren to the Mirador San Nicolas, which overlooks the Alhambra and the entire city. We also got gelato in forty-degree weather, and I’m still wondering why. Overall it was a fantastic weekend, and great to catch up with old friends!!

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