Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving #2

Since one party is not enough in Spain, we celebrated Thanksgiving a second night on Friday. Our EAP program hosted a huge four-course meal in a fancy restaurant, and we all dressed up and drank unlimited wine and stuffed our faces with attempted traditional food. It was all delicious except for the pumpkin pie, which was simply not pumpkin pie. It broke my heart a little bit because that's what I most miss about Thanksgiving, and I have to say that pumpkin pie and a huge, watery drip coffee (instead of espresso) are two things that should quickly be imported to this country.

First course: both types of wine.

Second: the very traditional Thanksgiving salad with tuna, kiwis and white asparagus. It's pretty and delicious but I'm pretty sure you would never find this at a feast in the States.

Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, green beans, and carrots--Spain actually got this right!

And the pumpkin pie--it looks so pretty but it missed the mark.

Our program director Inma basking in the Thanksgiving Spirit

Amalia's First Thanksgiving!

It was such a great nice with great food, drinks, and most importantly, new friends! It's hard to be nostalgic for American holidays when they're celebrated so greatly in Spain. 

1 comment:

  1. Looks yummy. And you look fantastic. I think pumpkin pie is overrated.
