Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Bit Nostalgic

January is always a downer month, no matter where you are in the world. The holidays are over, your pants don’t fit so great anymore, it gets dark earlier, it’s cold and you are inevitably sick for at least half the month. So I’m going to formally document the little things I miss about home, only because it’s January and not because I’ve stopped loving it here.

  1. Mexican food. Yes, it’s on the list before friends or family. You try living five months without it.
  2. Friends and family (Duh, I’m not dead inside).
  3. My dog Button, who’s 14 ½ and who has lived two years longer than most dogs his size. He’s still as cute on Skype as he was when I left him, and I do have to say I’m sort of glad I’m not around to see him going blind and deaf.
  4. America-sized coffees. Our population might be obese, but at least we serve drinks that aren’t polished off in one sip.
  5. UCSB. I really thought I wouldn’t miss it this year since I definitely needed a break, but no one goes to school on the beach without getting pretty nostalgic while they’re away.
  6. Thrifty Ice-Cream runs with Maddy. Get a triple-cone of Cookie’s N Cream for me!
  7. Using public restrooms with the luxury of knowing you’ll be able to complete the job with some toilet paper.
  8. Trader Joe's everything. Who knew one could feel such affinity for a grocery store?
  9. Carpet floors. Tile floors make January even more cold and depressing.
  10. I miss the general attitude at UCSB that it’s not necessary for girls to wear heels when going out. My foot bones weren’t made for this.
  11. Breakfasts. I want to be able to stop at a café on my way home from school and order something other than toast and coffee.
  12. Being intelligent. My IQ drops about 50 points when I try to get my point across in Spanish.

My list about things I love here would be 10 times as long, but that one will come out when I don’t have a hacking cough, it’s not raining and final exams are not swiftly approaching. 

God how good does that look???

1 comment:

  1. We won't tell you about our recent trip to Sol Food. But Sushi to Dai For wasn't to die for.
    Hope you feel better soon!
